Energy Modeling_Chatsworth Courthouse

Types of Systems Modeled
• Water Cooled Chillers & Cooling Towers
• Primary/Secondary Pumps
• Hot Water Boiler
• Air Handling & Terminal Units
• Ventilation System
• Lighting & Controls

Total Energy Saved
3,872 MMBTU

Date of Completion
November 2012


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Project Overview

BTU Engineers performed energy modeling for Chatsworth Courthouse in Chatsworth, CA. The courthouse is approximately 340,600 sq. ft. ASHRAE Guideline 14 was used as technical guidance for statistical analysis of simulation error. BTU Engineers calibrated the baseline model to actual post-occupancy metered energy, to ±5% for monthly calibration and ±10% for yearly calibration.

In addition, BTU Engineers performed various energy efficiency measures calculations, including retrofit and retro-commissioning measures.