

Types of Systems Commissioned
• HVAC and Controls
• Lighting and Controls
• Electric Diesel Generator
• ATS, UPS, and Batteries
• Plumbing Systems
• Landscape and Irrigation

Building Area
66,943 SF

Date of Completion
February 2016

Type of Commissioning
CALGreen Cx

Electrical Generator_IMAX

Air Cooled Chiller_IMAX

Project Overview

BTU Engineers served as the Commissioning Authority (CA) for the IMAX West Coast Headquarters building, providing CALGreen Commissioning.
The subject property is located in Los Angeles, CA. The IMAX building is a 3-story office and cinema building and it is 66,943 SF. A portion of the Project Site and Building are within the Historic Resources Treatment Plan (HRTP) Transition Zone of Area.

BTU Engineers not only commissioned the basic HVAC, lighting, and plumbing systems for this project, but it also commissioned UPS, batteries, automatic transfer switches, power distribution units, and electrical generators.


Deckers Outdoor Corporation, CA

Types of Systems Commissioned
• HVAC and Controls
• Lighting and Controls
• Plumbing Systems
• UPS / Batteries
• Electric Generator
• Automatic Transfer Switches

Building Area
Building 1: 77,000 SF
Building 2: 45,000 SF
Building 4: 30,000 SF

Date of Completion
Janurary 2014

Type of Commissioning
LEED – Basic and Enhanced

three phase generator testingThree Phase Generator Testing


Project Overview

BTU Engineers served as the Commissioning Authority (CA) for Deckers Outdoor Corporation, providing LEED Fundamental and Enhanced Commissioning. This project has achieved LEED silver certification under U.S. Green Building Council’s Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design for New Construction (LEED-NC) green building rating system.

The three subject properties are located in Goleta, CA. Building 1 is a 2-story, 77,000 SF, is primarily office building. Building 2 is a 2-story, 45,000 SF, combined office/retail building. Building 4 is a 1-story, 30,000 SF, combines office/warehouse building.

BTU Engineers not only commissioned the basic HVAC, lighting, and plubming systems for this project, but it also commissioned UPS, batteries, automatic transfer switches, power distribution units, and electrical generators.


Edwards Lifesciences – Atrium, CA

Types of Systems Commissioned
• HVAC and Controls
• Plug Load Controls
• Lighting and Daylighting Controls
• Plumbing Systems
• Photovoltaic System
• Landscape & Irrigation System

Building Area
25,428 SF

Date of Completion
October 2017

Type of Commissioning
LEED Cx and CALGreen Cx

 2nd Level

1st Level

Project Overview

BTU Engineers is serving as the Commissioning Authority (CA) for Edwards Lifesciences Atrium building, providing LEED Fundamental and Enhanced Cx and CALGreen Commissioning.

The total building gross area is 25,428 SF.  The facility is used as an assembly space. This building achieved USGBC LEED-NC Platinum Certification.


Century Boulevard Building, CA

Baseline Energy Use
18,148 MMBTU

Annual Energy Savings
3,113 MMBTU

Annual Cost Savings
$152,866 (includes water savings)

Simple Pay Back
4.7 years

Building Area
722,207 SF

Date of Completion
September 2014

Exhasut Fan IRExhaust Fan Infrared Image


Project Overview

BTU Engineers worked on a building located on Century Boulevard in Westchester, CA. The building consists of 17 stories, and the total building area is approximately 722,207 sq.ft. for this facility. This building is primarily an office area. There are four below grade parking floors beneath the first floor. First floor lobby consists of a deli and a small gift store. Other floors from the 2nd thru 17th are primarily office suites. The building was originally built in 1982 and occupied in 1989.

BTU Engineers performed an energy audit under the LADWP EETAP Program.


7th Street Building, CA

Baseline Energy Use
19,405 MMBTU

Annual Energy Savings
2,586 MMBTU

Annual Cost Savings

Simple Pay Back
7.7 years

Building Area
219,122 SF

Date of Completion
October 2013

617 w7th photo1

Project Overview

BTU Engineers worked on a building located on 7th Street in Los Angeles, CA. Total conditioned space is 219,122 sq.ft. for this facility. We provided LEED EBOM services for this building. This building achieved LEED Gold status in 2013. Btu Engineers performed ASHRAE 62.1 calculations, transportation survey calculations, and water saving calculations.

bv_img17LEED Gold Achieved
Sustainable Sites: 15 / 26
Water Efficiency: 8 / 14
Energy and Atmosphere: 20 / 35
Materials and Resources: 7 / 10
Indoor Environmental Quality: 8 / 15
Innovation and Design: 4 / 6


Child Care Resource Center, CA

Baseline Energy Use
4881 MMBTU

Annual Energy Savings
1745 MMBTU

Annual Cost Savings

Simple Pay Back
4.9 years

Building Area
78,000 SF

Date of Completion
December 2015

Child Care Resource Center Photo

PV Panels_Child Care Resource Center

Project Overview

20001 Prairie St is the address of Child Care Resource Center’s main office; which is located in Chatsworth, CA. CCRC building is a 78,000 square foot, 2-story office building. This property is located at the intersection of Prairie Street and Pen Field Avenue. BTU Engineers performed ASHRAE level 2 audit at this facility.


Platform, CA

Types of Systems Modeled
• VRV Systems
• RTU & Split Systems
• Ventilation Systems
• Photo Voltaic Systems
• Lighting & Daylighting
• Plumbing Systems

Total Energy Saved
Building A: 670 MMBTU
Building B: 255 MMBTU
Building C: 132 MMBTU
Building D: 120 MMBTU
Building E: 1,433 MMBTU
Building F: 207 MMBTU

Date of Completion
February 2013

Energy Model Platform Bldg EBuilding C


Project Overview

BTU Engineers provided energy modeling and LEED commissioning for 6 buildings in Culver City, CA. The total area is approximately 41,253 square feet of retail and restaurant, and 38,120 square feet of office. There are two above ground parking structures, one existing and the other new, which accommodates a total of 291 parking spaces.

The Platform at Culver Station is a retail, office, and parking project that includes adaptive reuse of some existing buildings in conjunction with new construction to create a community oriented niche shopping environment with some office above. The broad theems that drive the design are transportation, pedestrian flow, and sustainability.


Chatsworth Courthouse, CA

Types of Systems Modeled
• Water Cooled Chillers & Cooling Towers
• Primary/Secondary Pumps
• Hot Water Boiler
• Air Handling & Terminal Units
• Ventilation System
• Lighting & Controls

Total Energy Saved
3,872 MMBTU

Date of Completion
November 2012


chw 1

Project Overview

BTU Engineers performed energy modeling for Chatsworth Courthouse located in Chatsworth, CA. The courthouse is approximately 340,600 sq.ft. ASHRAE Guideline 14 was used as a techinal guidance for statistical analysis of simulation error. BTU Engineers calibrated the baseline model to actual post-occupancy metered energy, to ±5% for monthly calibration and to ±10% for yearly calibration.

In addition, BTU Engineers performed various energy efficiency measures calculations, including both retrofit measures and retro-commissioning measures.


General Mills Endor, NM*

Types of Systems Modeled
• Two Screw Chillers & Ammonia Chiller
• Primary / Secondary Chiller Water Pumps
• Cooling Tower Fan & VFD’s
• Air Handling Units
• Steam Boilers
• Lighting & Controls
• Process Loads
– Premium Efficiency Gas Oven
– Premium Efficiency Air Compressors
– VFD’s for Process & Packing Motors
– Premium Efficiency Process Motors
• Domestic Hot Water

Date of Completion
August 2011

bv_img493D Diagram of an Energy Model


Project Overview

BTU Engineers staff worked on General Mills Endor Project located in Albuquerque, New Mexico. The project has received LEED Gold Certification. BTU Engineers staff acted as a LEED-NC energy modeler for the project. BTU Engineers staff performed Exceptional Calculations Method to show LEED rating authority energy saving from industrial process loads. The project earned nine LEED Optimize Energy Performance points (EAc1).


Deckers Outdoor Corporation, CA

M & V Option
IPMVP – Option “D”

Energy Model Will Be Calibrated to
ASHRAE Guideline 14 Requirements

• Electric
• Gas

Date of Completion
February 2015



Project Overview

BTU Engineers is providing measurement and verification services for Buildings 1, 2, and 4 of Deckers Outdoor Corporation located in Goleta, CA.


San Jose State University Student Union Expansion & Renovation, CA*

M & V Option
IPMVP – Option “D”

Energy Model Calibrated to
ASHRAE Guideline 14 Requirement

• Steam
• Chilled Water
• Electric

Date of Completion
June 2013



Project Overview

BTU Engineers staff worked on San Jose State University, Student Union building located in San Jose, California. The project comprises renovation of an existing 140,000 sq ft facility, and construction of new east and west wings totaling approximately 99,000 sq ft. The new structures are connected to the existing building.

BTU Engineer’s staff used International Performance Measurement and Verification Protocol (IPMVP) Option D Method to show building is operating according to the design documents. A baseline model was compared to actual energy usage in the building.