Chatsworth Courthouse, CA

Types of Systems Modeled
• Water Cooled Chillers & Cooling Towers
• Primary/Secondary Pumps
• Hot Water Boiler
• Air Handling & Terminal Units
• Ventilation System
• Lighting & Controls

Total Energy Saved
3,872 MMBTU

Date of Completion
November 2012


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Project Overview

BTU Engineers performed energy modeling for Chatsworth Courthouse located in Chatsworth, CA. The courthouse is approximately 340,600 sq.ft. ASHRAE Guideline 14 was used as a techinal guidance for statistical analysis of simulation error. BTU Engineers calibrated the baseline model to actual post-occupancy metered energy, to ±5% for monthly calibration and to ±10% for yearly calibration.

In addition, BTU Engineers performed various energy efficiency measures calculations, including both retrofit measures and retro-commissioning measures.